Friday, August 8, 2008

Winford Hendrix

Winford Hendrix is married Carol.
421 Stony Tree Road
West Jefferson, NC 28694
tel: 336 877.4202 - Home
239 980.5169 - cell
Favorite teacher: Mr. Bell & Mrs. Sermons
Graduated from college and graduate school at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY and Union Seminary in Richmond, VA
Have 3 children and 8 grandchildren
Have visited NA, Africa and Europe
Last supper: Chicken Piccata over angel hair pasta and Key Lime pie
Currently reading: The Power of Visualization, by Norman Vincent Peale
Hobbies: golf; particularly short trips with my wife, Carol. Checking out the scenic areas in nearby country side.
Pet Peeve: laziness and incompetance and people not living up to their potential.
Currently self -employed thru The Center for Congregational Health in Winston-Salem, NC.
No plans for retirement.
Most fun job: Transition pastor of the First Baptist Church in WDC. With all the interaction with the Washingtonians and the international community and world class restaurants.
Best memory: friends and teachers.........the whole experience.
Most interesting: Travels to Europe, Africa and the Holy Land and meeting so many interesting people through out the years as well as the challange of serving so many congregations and leading them to redevelopment............a total of 16 congregations.
We have lived in 11 states, plus VA 3 times, NC 3 times, KY 2 times. We have moved a total of 25 times..........finally in 03/08 to our dream house in the mountains of NC, some 4,000 ft. elevation.

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