Monday, August 25, 2008

Jimmy Walther

To check out a new post. Check out Jimmy Walther. Click on the comments. Although I have posted it by his name.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sharon Mason

Sharon did not return her questionaire. However, she did email when we started the searches. The following is a copy of her email:
Hey Girl, Long time no hear from either of us, huh? Yes you have reached me.........Sharon Rule now, Now let me see, it was Sharon Mason Lee Beck Rawles Beck Rule. Finally got it straight. Married to a wonderful man, who is 32 years younger than me. We are sooooooooo happy. We live in Rohnert, CA about 50 miles north of San Francisco. My youngest daughter, Nicole, lives in San Fran so that's why we are back out here again. My address is:
Sharon Rule
101 Enterprise Dr. #11
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
tel: 707 207.1456
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Out of 141 classmates there were only 17 we were unable to locate (thanks mainly to the internet.). If you know the where abouts of any of the following please let us know:

Wayde Bush Susan Chambers Gloria Jean Cole
Florence Douglas David Donaldson Noletta Calvert
Rita Frances Green Carolyn Jackson Doris Johnson
Ronnie Johnson Thomas Hale Gloria Jean McCurley
Daniel Mitchem Mary Mauer Foye Perry
Verol Wilton Peavy Carolyn Smith
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Anita Sawyer

No information was received on Anita Sawyer.

However the following is believed to be her contact info:
1743 Swann Street
Fayetteville, NC 29303Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sharon Raines & Jackie Sewell

Sharon Raines married Jackie Sewell
23248 NW Jackie Lane
Altha, FL 32421
tel: 850 762.3320
Favorite teacher: Mrs. Jennings
Have 4 children & 7 grandchildren
Hobbies: Flowers and painting

Jackie Sewell married Sharon Raines.
23248 NW Jackie Lane
Altha, FL 32421
tel: 850 762.3320
Favorite teacher: Mrs. Jennings Have 4 children & 7 grandchildren
Hobbies: Fishing, Working on my '47 Studebaker
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

William Beasley (mia)

No information was received on William Beasley. He is a MIA.Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 8, 2008

12 year seniors

In today's mobile society not many schools can boost about having students who attended the same school for 12 years. But, our class was the last year to be able to claim to have 12 year seniors.

There were 11 in our class:
Sherhea Bradley
David King
Diane Hatch
George McKenzie
Sharon Mason
Betty Terrell
Joe Howard
Marie Sunday
Mary Mauer
Sharon Etheridge
Adrian Hammond
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Those who have gone to the other side

Tate High School
Class of 61
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Ann Adcock

No information was received on Ann Adcock.

However, the following is believed to be her contact info:

Ann Adcock
9 Randolph Dr.
Pensacola, FL
tel. 850 457.9652
850 433.1020

Ann is married to Jim Neal
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William Agerton

William Agerton's wife is Rita.

Address: 552 Lee Road 781
Valley, AL 36854
tel. 334 749.9089

William will not be able to attend the reunion.Posted by Picasa

Bill Allen

Bill Allen married Linda Booker.
address: 2252 Trailwood Drive
Pensacola, FL
tel. 850 476.3598
Favorite teacher: Mr. Skipper & Juhan Wilson
has 4 children & 8 grandchildren
Last meal: Shrimp
hobby: riding my motor cycle
pet peeves: none
Retired from CSXT Railroad in 2003
Most fun job was: railroading
best high school memory: graduation
Most interesting thing: going to the grand canyon

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Danny Barnett

No info was received on Danny Barnett. However, the following is believed to be her contact info:

Danny Barnett
1775 Handy Road
Cantonment, FL 32533
tel: 850 780.3150
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Edna Blair (Laws)

Edna Blair's husband is named Bill.
4114 Lillian Hwy
Pensacola, FL 32506
tel: 850 791.6255
Edna has 5 children & 11 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild (on the way)
Last Supper: Fried Chicken & mash taters, gravey & corn bread
hobby: doing as little as pobbible & spending time with family.
Pet peeve: People paying more attention to talking on their cell phone than driving the car.
I work for myself. But, plan to retire one day.
Most fun job: Making sandwiches to go into vending machines.
Best memory: The prom
Most interesting thing: traveling to Midway Island and living there for 1 year and living in Hawaii for 7 1/2 years.
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David Bansemer

David Bansemer's wife is Joan.
23433 Autumn Road
Bristol, VA 24202
tel. 276 669.3006
favorite teacher: Mr. Bell
graduated from FSU
has 4 children & 9 grandchildren
Has visited NA, Africa and Europe
Last supper: communion
Currently reading: The Chronicles of Narnia
Hobby: reading, TV movies, playing with grandchildren, puzzles,traveling, girls softball, visiting family, friends & neighbors, shopping & vacations.
Pet peeve: people who think the world or our nation owes them something rather than the other way around.
Retired: from Highlands Juvenile Detention Center, 1999
Most fun job: Director of Detention
Best high school memory: The people I made friends with and still remember. I would have tried harder to be a friend if I knew then what I know now.
Most interesting thing: In August of 1961 I was called to active duty as a result of the Berlin Crisis and remained on active duty throughout the cuban missle crisis. I served on three different ships and made a Mediterranean cruise. This was my best education.

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Carolyn Bonifay

Carolyn Bonifay
632 Shadow Lane
Prattville, AL 36066
tel: 334 322.8929

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Sherhea Bradley (Plunkett)

Sherhea is married to Mark Morrow.
2319 LaMonte Lane
Houston, TX 77018
tel: 713 688.2916
713 899.3640-cell
favorite teacher: Dixon, Skipper & Bell
graduated from college with a BFA & MFA
has 2 children & 4 grandchildren
Has visited NA & Europe
Last supper: Shrimp
Currently reading: a mystery
hobby: I am an artist - not my hobby
pet peeve: religious zealots
Work for: Lonestar College - Cy - Fair
plan to retire when I can afford it!

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Ruth Busbee (d)

Ruth Busbee is deceased.
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Ray Bass

Ray Bass is married to Bridgett
2953 Charter Oaks Lanae
Pensacola, FL 32514
tel. 850 478.5640
favorite teacher: Mr. Farrish
Has 3 children & 3 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild
Last supper: Fried Chicken
hobby: woodworking, bowling, camping and fishing
pet peeve: stupid drivers on cell phones
retired from: Roadway Express, 2005
Most fun job: photographer
best high school memory: graduation
Most interesting thing: Tour of duty in Viet Nam

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Wayne Berry & James Boyd

No information was received on Wayne Berry or James Boyd.

However, we believe the following contact info is correct:

Wayne Berry
10408 Katelyn Drive
Charlotte, NC 28269
tel. 704 975.6354

James Boyd
3000 Mason Road
Walnut Hill, FL 32568
tel. 850 327.4846

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Sonny Bush

Sonny's wife is named Diane
4474 Tibmore Bend Road
Gadsden, AL 35901
tel: 256 547.6490
Most feared teacher: "Scratchy Max" for obvious reasons!
Sonny has 3 children and 2 grandchildren
Has visited NA, Asia & Europe
Last Supper: Something that would take a long time to eat!!
Hobby: fishing & Golf
Currently reading: Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were to afraid to ask.
Pet Peeve: People who think you can drop everything and come visit them!
Retired from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 2000
Best high school memory...playing basketball and being elected "Wittiest' with Virginia
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Elsie Carnley & Wade Bush

Elsie Carnley

Wayde information was received on Wayde Bush. His is MIA.
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William Chandler

William Chankler's wife is Carol.
4742 Greg Ave.
Pace, FL 32571
tel: 850 994.9592
Most favorite teacher: Mrs. Parrish & Miss Arnold
graduated from PJC & Auburn
Has 4 children & 2 grandchildren
Currently reading: Small Favor, by Jim Butcher
Hobby: gardening, reading and surfing the net.
Pet peeve: traffic
Works for the State of Florida and plans to retire in 2009.
Most fun job: Teaching Jr. College
Best memory: attending football & basketball games.
Most interesting thing: seeing 41 of the 50 states.
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Kermit Cotton

Kermit Cotton
address: 5141 Hwy 85
Daleville, AL 36322
tel: 334 598.1907
attended college but did not graduate.
Has no children.
Has visited NA & Europe
Last supper: Steak, Potatoe & salad
Hobby: hunting, fishing, watching TV & gambling
Pet peeve: rude people
Retired from Civil Service US Army in 2001
Most fun job: First Sgt. in the US Army Reserve
Most interesting thing: Visited Las Vegas 7 times.....gambled and attended floor shows.

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Gene Creighton

Gene Creighton did not return any information. However we believe the following to be his contact info:
Gene Creighton
1050 Mary C. Smith Road
Midway, AL 36053
tel: 334 687.0332
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Doris Ann Crumpler (Meredith)

Doris Crumpler is married to Derwood Meredith.
2178 River Birch Road
Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
tel: 850 932.4835
850 712.2210 - cell
favorite teacher: Mrs. Dickson
Has 3 children and 7 great grandchildren
Has visited three continents
Last Supper would be: Lobster
Currently reading: The Great Tide
Hobby: Bowling, fishing and plants,(Love my greenhouse!)
Pet Peeve: to much traffic in Gulf Breeze
Retired from Meredith & Sons (greenhouse section) in Gulf Breeze
Most Fun Job: working in my green house welling plants, herbs and pots and visiting with all my good customers.
Best memory: Mornings walking around school visiting with all our friends before school began.
The most interesting thing I have done since graduating is being able to swim with the Manatee's. Just to be in the water with such an awsome animal and have it rub against you and have it come up and kiss you on the arm was great. Plus having the pleasure of having 3 of my grandchildren with me on one of the encounters.Posted by Picasa